Building and Enhancing Your CTI Program with Strategic Intelligence Analysis - The Formula!
Build and Enhance Your CTI Program - Intensive and In-depth Hands-on - 10 Additional Lectures with Templates and Examples - Learn and Build at the same time
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Building Your Cyber Intelligence Program
This online course teaches, instructs, guides, and aids students in building a proper cyber intelligence program. We begin from nothing supplying guidance proven through program build campaigns across different verticals and four continents.
This course goes live in February 2022. Watch this space for pricing options, add-on modules, and more information.
Contact us at to schedule a call or video conference.
We designed the course to guide organizations in their cyber and threat intelligence program builds through online lectures, demonstrations, and templates covering the full intelligence lifecycle at a minimum. After years of teaching intelligence courses and delivering intelligence programs to clients, Treadstone 71 now offers this step-by-step course. We take students through the strategic planning process, goals and objectives creation, stakeholder analysis, adversary targeting and threat matrices creation, priority intelligence requirements, collection planning, structured analytic technique usage, analysis, maturity assessments, SOP development, threat intelligence platform selection, analytic writing, and dissemination non-inclusively.
The program includes instructional videos tied to content with periodic direct access to Treadstone 71 for client deliverable reviews. We supply templates and examples that you can use, change, or get ideas from. Artifacts specifically designed for past clients. The peer-review process follows a standard cycle including comments, suggestions, recommendations, and examples of previously finished products. Treadstone71 also offers regular ‘professor’ office hours for Q&A as requested in Office Hour Packs.
The program follows proven methods established over the years while creating intelligence programs. Clients move at a regular pace that corresponds with their internal schedules that Treadstone 71 helps to set up with the client.
We offer the program in different definitive sections giving students time to work artifacts, ideas, and the program with their stakeholders. The program also offers the standard Cyber Intelligence Tradecraft Certification training as an add-on.
A brief overview of the program:
- Strategic Plan development, acceptance, and dissemination
- Mission
- Vision
- Guiding Principles
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Goals and Objectives
- Roadmap
- Cyber Intelligence Capability Maturity Model Assessment
- Standard operating procedures
- Process flow diagrams
- Associated metrics
- Peer Reviews
- Intelligence Functions
- Communications, Responsibilities, Methods
- Practices and Activities
- Organizational interfaces
- SOC and IR
- Other intelligence groups
- C-Suite
- Department leadership
- External groups
- Vendors
- Cyber Intelligence Lifecycle definition
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Collection Planning
- Production
- Structured analytic techniques
- Analysis
- Analytic Writing
- Reporting and Briefing
- Dissemination
- Intelligence Information Sharing
- Enterprise objectives
- Communities of Interest
- Your internal ISAC
- Threat Intelligence Platforms
- RFP and Selection process
- Maturation
- Vendor data feeds
- Training and Knowledge Transfer
Clients subscribing to the program create program content undergoing Treadstone 71 review prior to leadership delivery. The intent is to share our vast ability in cyber intelligence strategies to aid organizations in the prompt building of their programs. We see this model as an effective and efficient way to extend our knowledge, share our standards-based program information while setting up an industry model rooted in intelligence community tradecraft. That tradecraft follows the International Association for Intelligence Education Standards for Intelligence Analyst Initial Training, intelligence community directives (ICDs), content from the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis and Mercyhurst University as well as 30+ years of boots on the ground experience.
What do you have at the end of the program?
As clients carefully follow the training and timelines, executing the deliverables internally, clients will have built a complete cyber threat intelligence program. The program definition, strategy, policies, procedures, process flow diagrams, roles, responsibilities, templates, models, methods, tactics, techniques, reports, dissemination models, briefings, table-top exercises, as well as certified Cyber Intelligence Tradecraft professionals are all core components of what clients achieve.
We offer the standard model that follows the cyber intelligence lifecycle with standard office hours. We also offer added Office Hour Packs beyond the standard. Should you wish to certify staff during the training, we can upgrade you to the Certification module. Lastly, we also offer the most comprehensive add-on, the Strategic Intelligence Analysis upgrade. How do you know which is best for you? We take you through the first reviews and assessments to decide what best suits your culture, needs, and pricing model.
If you wish to learn more, contact us to schedule a review of this extensive and comprehensive assisted training program.
Course Outline:
Data Provenance - OPSEC Rules - Hunchly - Rules of Engagement - Cyber Personas
Getting Started
Hunchly Lecture - OPSEC Rules
Rules of Engagement and Cyber Personas
Documents you need
Strategic Intelligence Analysis Week 1
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Part I
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Part II
Readings - Tools
Building and Enhancing Your Program - Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis - Tracking
Strategic Intelligence Analysis Week 2 to 3
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Part III
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Part IV
Readings - Process Document
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Building and Enhancing Your Program - Adversary Targeting/Threat Matrices
Adversary Targeting Lecture
Assignment - Templates - Matrices - Handbook
Adversary Groups
Reference Documents
Readings and Support Documents
Intelligence Readings - NATO - CIA - Dutch Defense - Encyclopedia
Main Course Spreadsheet Templates
Building and Enhancing Your Program - Intelligence Requirements
Intelligence Requirements Lecture
Assignment - Templates and Tools
Reference Documents
Strategic Intelligence Analysis Weeks 3 to 5
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Part V Plus Critical Thinking
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Cognitive Bias
Readings - Tools
Introduction to ACH
ACH Readings and Tools
Collection and Analysis Assignment
Building and Enhancing Your Program - Collection Management
Source Evaluation and Collection Management
Assignment and Templates
OPSEC & Personas
Open-Source Tools, Browser Add-Ons Targeted Toolsets, Containers
Mitre ATT&CK
Strategic Intelligence Analysis Weeks 6 to 7
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Analytic Writing Part 1
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Analytic Writing Part 2
Readings - Tools
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Structured Analytic Techniques - Week 8 to 9
Structured Intelligence Techniques - Lectures
Readings - Tools - Technique How To's
Additional Videos on Structured Analytic Techniques
Building and Enhancing Your Program - STEMPLES Plus - Indicators of Change - Hofstede Principles
Lecture on STEMPLES Plus
Assignment - Templates - Examples
Strategic Intelligence Analysis Week 10
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Reporting and Briefs
Report Template Examples
Analyst Activities - Week 11
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Analyst Activities-Cognitive Elements
Readings - Tools
Threat Hunting - Lecture and Files
Strategic Intelligence Analysis - Looking at building your Cyber Intelligence Program Week 12
Measuring your goals and objectives
Guiding Principles
Cyber Intelligence Maturity Model
Standard Operating Procedures Draft
Rules of Engagement Draft
Operational Security during OSINT
Core Competencies
The TIP Selection Process
Viable Metrics
Assembling the Fragments
Information or Disinformation - Talk given at IS2 - Prague December 2020
Tabletop Exercise
Argument Mapping
CTI Organizational Structure - Final
Your Instructor
Treadstone 71 is a woman and veteran-owned small business exclusively focused on cyber and threat intelligence consulting, services, and training. We are a pure-play intelligence shop.
Training dates and locations here
Since 2002, Treadstone 71 delivers intelligence training, strategic, operational, and tactical intelligence consulting, and research. We provide a seamless extension of your organization efficiently and effectively moving your organization to cyber intelligence program maturity. Our training, established in 2008, follows intelligence community standards as applied to the ever-changing threat environment delivering forecasts and estimates as intelligence intends. From baseline research to adversary targeted advisories and dossiers, Treadstone 71 products align with your intelligence requirements. We do not follow the create once and deliver many model. We contextually tie our products to your needs. Intelligence is our only business.
- We use intuition, structured techniques, and years of experience.
- We supply intelligence based on clearly defined requirements.
- We do not assign five people to do a job only one with experience.
- We do not bid base bones only to change order you to overspending.
We are known for our ability to:
- Anticipate key target or threat activities that are likely to prompt a leadership decision.
- Aid in coordinating, validating, and managing collection requirements, plans, and activities.
- Monitor and report changes in threat dispositions, activities, tactics, capabilities, objectives as related to designated cyber operations warning problem sets.
- Produce timely, fused, all-source cyber operations intelligence and indications and warnings intelligence products (e.g., threat assessments, briefings, intelligence studies, country studies).
- Provide intelligence analysis and support to designated exercises, planning activities, and time-sensitive operations.
- Develop or recommend analytic approaches or solutions to problems and situations for which information is incomplete or no precedent exists.
- Recognize and mitigate deception in reporting and analysis.
Assess intelligence, recommend targets to support operational objectives. - Assess target vulnerabilities and capabilities to determine a course of action.
- Assist in the development of priority information requirements.
- Enable synchronization of intelligence support plans across the supply chain.
- ...and Review and understand organizational leadership objectives and planning guidance non-inclusively.